I changed my ringtone today (first it was Battle's "Step By Step", then Leona Lewis' "Take A Bow", then Bobby Valentino's "Anonymous", then BoA's "Eat You up") to Davichi's " Love And War". I freaking love that song. Davichi's vocals are so pretty, and the song is insanely catchy. The MV is hilarious, too. ♥

Actually, I've been listening to Davichi a lot lately. I really, really love Thick Lipstick, Love You Even Though I Hate You, Sad Promise, and of course, Love and War. Minkyung and HaeRi are so pretty, I think.
Also~ I'm starting to like Golf-Mike again. I never really stopped liking them, I just kind of stopped going onto their LJ comm, and fansites and stuff. But I listened to ニッポン アイニイクヨ again a few days ago, looked up and saved a lot of their pictures, and the love came back. Haha. I had forgotten how hot they were. Gosh. *__*
Earlier today, I went with my cousin, Jamie, to Target. Her baby, Cayden (or Fat Head, as I call him. his head is HUGE, no kidding) is so annoying. All day, all you hear is "What's that?" in his stupid baby talk. And he's already 2 years old! I was talking when I was his age.
Then, when Mom and I went to pick Dad up from work, we were at this red light, and a fire truck pulled up beside us... And there was this guy in the back, and he was staring at me. I turned to look at him, and he turned his head. Then, I looked away and he looked back at me and smiled. It was so ajkhdsjkh embarassing. XD He was handsome, though. -shot-