Finally found some time to get online. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Samantha. I know I shouldn't pity her (I wouldn't want people's pity if I was in her place), but I can't help it. I can't help but wonder if she'll be the same; upbeat, bubbly, always laughing. And the thing that's even harder for me is that I want to talk to her, but I'm almost afraid to. I don't want to treat her any differently, but I'm afraid I might do it unknowingly.
Sigh. Anyway, the reason I logged on today is because:
a) F.T Island's 1 year anniversary is today (well, yesterday in Korea) and
b) I really feel like blogging.

I've been a fan of FTI since.... July or August, I believe. The members are all both very talented, and good-looking. My personal favorite is Minhwan (he's only a little bit older than me, plus his bday is 3 days before mine.), and I also like Wonbin. It amazes me at how much they've matured since their debut (especially Min.), and how popular they've become. I wish the best for them, and can't wait to see how well-known they become in Japan. FTI 화이팅!
Sunny Sunny Sunny I love you~
SJH is seriously addictive. I've been listening to their album non-stop since it leaked. I really like Pajama Party and Sunny. PLUS, Yeh is so cute in all the pictures. :3
Battle's new single is awesome. I love Step By Step & Luv U the most. I even have Step By Step as my ringtone. Chris' voice is so smooth. ♥ Although, I'm not too fond of his new hair. D: