I went with Brittany and two of her friends to the mall. We were planning on seeing Twilight, but Brandon (her bf) annoyed me to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. So Mom picked me up.
Brandon is a huge jerk. He curses more than any other 7th grader I know. And I understand that almost all guys curse, but not like he does. Every other word or two is the f-word. Or shit. It's freaking ridiculous. And he called Brittany's ex-boyfriend a fag. :|
And he completely ignored me. Mom said he was probably jealous because of Brittany and I's close friendship. But whatever, it still doesn't give him an excuse to act like that.
And like, Brittany got a new phone for her birthday (which is today), and he showed it to a couple he didn't even know and said "Look at her phone. It makes my phone look like a piece of shit". And he was making fun of this guy that was in front of us in line.
I can't stand him, and I really don't ever want to see him again. :|
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
asdkgjdfg. It's almost Christmas~ :D I can't wait to open my present. And I hope everyone likes the presents I gave them. I got Brittany Miley Cyrus's CD (because she wanted it. D:), and I'm afraid that she'll get it from somebody else, too. :|
I've been looking for a beanie for the longest time, and I finally found the perfect one at Charlotte Russe:

I've been looking for a beanie for the longest time, and I finally found the perfect one at Charlotte Russe:

It's really warm and comfy. :3
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Today was a good day. :)
Dad and I went to the mall to get Mom something for Christmas. Originally, we were going to get her a new pair of sneakers, but all of them were over $50, which is all I had. =__=
So we ended up getting her this Honey Pomegranate bath set thing. It's really pretty and it was only $27... I just hope it smells good. XD
I got Meme a pair of really comfy slippers, Granny some body splash from Bath & Body works and a glass necklace, Dad a Texans cap (and Mom got him a cheap cell phone), and Brittany Miley Cyrus's CD (... Ew.).
I haven't decided if I'm going to get Aunt Paula something... I don't want to, but Dad said I should. :| I am definitely not even thinking about getting Josh (cousin) something. I can't fucking stand him. You would think he was Granny's only Grand Kid... Of course, if I wasn't my Dad's daughter, I'd be just as important (my Dad is the black sheep in the family). But I guess I can't really complain, because they don't even treat John John like he's part of the family. I mean, he isn't blood-related... but he's still family.
Besides, I have Meme. She treats me better than I deserve.
Oh~ She'll be 88 this year. :O I hope she lives atleast until I turn 20... Actually, I would love if she could live forever. Haha.
Dad and I went to the mall to get Mom something for Christmas. Originally, we were going to get her a new pair of sneakers, but all of them were over $50, which is all I had. =__=
So we ended up getting her this Honey Pomegranate bath set thing. It's really pretty and it was only $27... I just hope it smells good. XD
I got Meme a pair of really comfy slippers, Granny some body splash from Bath & Body works and a glass necklace, Dad a Texans cap (and Mom got him a cheap cell phone), and Brittany Miley Cyrus's CD (... Ew.).
I haven't decided if I'm going to get Aunt Paula something... I don't want to, but Dad said I should. :| I am definitely not even thinking about getting Josh (cousin) something. I can't fucking stand him. You would think he was Granny's only Grand Kid... Of course, if I wasn't my Dad's daughter, I'd be just as important (my Dad is the black sheep in the family). But I guess I can't really complain, because they don't even treat John John like he's part of the family. I mean, he isn't blood-related... but he's still family.
Besides, I have Meme. She treats me better than I deserve.
Oh~ She'll be 88 this year. :O I hope she lives atleast until I turn 20... Actually, I would love if she could live forever. Haha.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I woke up at 1pm today. D: Granted, I didn't go to bed until 2am but still. But I would have woken up earlier, if it wasn't for a lovely dream I had.
It was my first day at an international school in Korea, and I became friends with Tiffany, Jessica, and SooYoung (from SNSD) and they had Key (from SHINee) walk me to my next class, because none of them had it. So we became friends.
And in class, the teacher assigned us each a partner, since it was the first day and most of the people weren't from Korea. The whole idea was for the partner to take you to their favorite places (restaurant, park, etc) so that a) you would become friends and b) you'd be shown around Korea. Well, I remember wishing to be paired up with Key (and somehow I knew that he was wishing to be paired up with me), but I ended up being paired up with SeungRi (from Big Bang). Tiffany threw a fit, saying that he was one of the hottest guys in school and that it was so unfair. But anyway, he took me to his favorite store (which was a hip-hop clothing store. He bought me a really cool hat. xD), restaurant, to the park... And on the way back to school, he told me to call him Seunghyun, since everyone calls him Seungri, but I dropped the "Seung" and just called him Hyun. And he called me Ri.
Oh, and Key (and Jonghyun) walked me to my apartment, and I found out that my room mate was Tiffany. And then I woke up. lmao. It was so weird,
Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Which means Meme's gonna be cooking all day. :) I have to go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's and get some decorations or something. I love the fact that us Native Americans have at least one holiday that has something to do with us. That's one of the reasons that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays (second only to Christmas). Plus, you get to pig out.
Today, Dad got Marc a puppy from Lynn and Troy. She's part Rottweiler, Pit Bull, and Chow. She's a mutt. (Like me. haha) I love mutts. She's insanely cute, too. Marc named her Keera, which is perfect for her. The plan is for him to raise her, and when she gets old enough they're going to bring her to work and let her be the watch dog.
It was my first day at an international school in Korea, and I became friends with Tiffany, Jessica, and SooYoung (from SNSD) and they had Key (from SHINee) walk me to my next class, because none of them had it. So we became friends.
And in class, the teacher assigned us each a partner, since it was the first day and most of the people weren't from Korea. The whole idea was for the partner to take you to their favorite places (restaurant, park, etc) so that a) you would become friends and b) you'd be shown around Korea. Well, I remember wishing to be paired up with Key (and somehow I knew that he was wishing to be paired up with me), but I ended up being paired up with SeungRi (from Big Bang). Tiffany threw a fit, saying that he was one of the hottest guys in school and that it was so unfair. But anyway, he took me to his favorite store (which was a hip-hop clothing store. He bought me a really cool hat. xD), restaurant, to the park... And on the way back to school, he told me to call him Seunghyun, since everyone calls him Seungri, but I dropped the "Seung" and just called him Hyun. And he called me Ri.
Oh, and Key (and Jonghyun) walked me to my apartment, and I found out that my room mate was Tiffany. And then I woke up. lmao. It was so weird,
Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Which means Meme's gonna be cooking all day. :) I have to go to Hobby Lobby or Michael's and get some decorations or something. I love the fact that us Native Americans have at least one holiday that has something to do with us. That's one of the reasons that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays (second only to Christmas). Plus, you get to pig out.
Today, Dad got Marc a puppy from Lynn and Troy. She's part Rottweiler, Pit Bull, and Chow. She's a mutt. (Like me. haha) I love mutts. She's insanely cute, too. Marc named her Keera, which is perfect for her. The plan is for him to raise her, and when she gets old enough they're going to bring her to work and let her be the watch dog.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
New layout~ Featuring the very pretty Jessica, from SNSD. I love the picture, and thought it'd look good with the layout. :)
I changed my ringtone today (first it was Battle's "Step By Step", then Leona Lewis' "Take A Bow", then Bobby Valentino's "Anonymous", then BoA's "Eat You up") to Davichi's " Love And War". I freaking love that song. Davichi's vocals are so pretty, and the song is insanely catchy. The MV is hilarious, too. ♥

Actually, I've been listening to Davichi a lot lately. I really, really love Thick Lipstick, Love You Even Though I Hate You, Sad Promise, and of course, Love and War. Minkyung and HaeRi are so pretty, I think.

Also~ I'm starting to like Golf-Mike again. I never really stopped liking them, I just kind of stopped going onto their LJ comm, and fansites and stuff. But I listened to ニッポン アイニイクヨ again a few days ago, looked up and saved a lot of their pictures, and the love came back. Haha. I had forgotten how hot they were. Gosh. *__*
Earlier today, I went with my cousin, Jamie, to Target. Her baby, Cayden (or Fat Head, as I call him. his head is HUGE, no kidding) is so annoying. All day, all you hear is "What's that?" in his stupid baby talk. And he's already 2 years old! I was talking when I was his age.
Then, when Mom and I went to pick Dad up from work, we were at this red light, and a fire truck pulled up beside us... And there was this guy in the back, and he was staring at me. I turned to look at him, and he turned his head. Then, I looked away and he looked back at me and smiled. It was so ajkhdsjkh embarassing. XD He was handsome, though. -shot-
I changed my ringtone today (first it was Battle's "Step By Step", then Leona Lewis' "Take A Bow", then Bobby Valentino's "Anonymous", then BoA's "Eat You up") to Davichi's " Love And War". I freaking love that song. Davichi's vocals are so pretty, and the song is insanely catchy. The MV is hilarious, too. ♥

Actually, I've been listening to Davichi a lot lately. I really, really love Thick Lipstick, Love You Even Though I Hate You, Sad Promise, and of course, Love and War. Minkyung and HaeRi are so pretty, I think.
Also~ I'm starting to like Golf-Mike again. I never really stopped liking them, I just kind of stopped going onto their LJ comm, and fansites and stuff. But I listened to ニッポン アイニイクヨ again a few days ago, looked up and saved a lot of their pictures, and the love came back. Haha. I had forgotten how hot they were. Gosh. *__*
Earlier today, I went with my cousin, Jamie, to Target. Her baby, Cayden (or Fat Head, as I call him. his head is HUGE, no kidding) is so annoying. All day, all you hear is "What's that?" in his stupid baby talk. And he's already 2 years old! I was talking when I was his age.
Then, when Mom and I went to pick Dad up from work, we were at this red light, and a fire truck pulled up beside us... And there was this guy in the back, and he was staring at me. I turned to look at him, and he turned his head. Then, I looked away and he looked back at me and smiled. It was so ajkhdsjkh embarassing. XD He was handsome, though. -shot-
Sunday, July 27, 2008
omg Yoobin. ♥
I am really starting to like Wonder Girls. Originally, I didn't want to... but they are way too cute. YeEun's solo was beautiful, and I love YooBin's. And Sohee looked so mature during her's. It's getting harder and harder to believe she's only a year older than me. o__o
On a different note, I'm also really starting to like Jessica. I never believed the rumors about her, but I just was never really drawn to her. But as I've gotten to "know" her, I really like her. She's pretty, and even though she seems cold on the outside, she's actually nice. And her smile is... guh. *__*
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I always hated Father's Day. It's a very uncomfortable holiday for me.
I promised myself that this year I would do something for him. So I decided to cook his favorite food- which is fried pork-chops- since we hardly ever have it. And guess what?
He hasn't even given me a chance to say "Happy Father's Day", because he's been cooped up in his room all day, sleeping. And when Mom went to tell him what we were having to eat, he got all mad and told her he wasn't hungry. So we cooked him his stupid fried pork-chops, which I absolutely hate, and he doesn't even want them?
Thanks, Dad. What a wonderful Father's Day.
I promised myself that this year I would do something for him. So I decided to cook his favorite food- which is fried pork-chops- since we hardly ever have it. And guess what?
He hasn't even given me a chance to say "Happy Father's Day", because he's been cooped up in his room all day, sleeping. And when Mom went to tell him what we were having to eat, he got all mad and told her he wasn't hungry. So we cooked him his stupid fried pork-chops, which I absolutely hate, and he doesn't even want them?
Thanks, Dad. What a wonderful Father's Day.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Finally found some time to get online. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Samantha. I know I shouldn't pity her (I wouldn't want people's pity if I was in her place), but I can't help it. I can't help but wonder if she'll be the same; upbeat, bubbly, always laughing. And the thing that's even harder for me is that I want to talk to her, but I'm almost afraid to. I don't want to treat her any differently, but I'm afraid I might do it unknowingly.
Sigh. Anyway, the reason I logged on today is because: a) F.T Island's 1 year anniversary is today (well, yesterday in Korea) and b) I really feel like blogging.
I've been a fan of FTI since.... July or August, I believe. The members are all both very talented, and good-looking. My personal favorite is Minhwan (he's only a little bit older than me, plus his bday is 3 days before mine.), and I also like Wonbin. It amazes me at how much they've matured since their debut (especially Min.), and how popular they've become. I wish the best for them, and can't wait to see how well-known they become in Japan. FTI 화이팅!
Sunny Sunny Sunny I love you~
SJH is seriously addictive. I've been listening to their album non-stop since it leaked. I really like Pajama Party and Sunny. PLUS, Yeh is so cute in all the pictures. :3
Battle's new single is awesome. I love Step By Step & Luv U the most. I even have Step By Step as my ringtone. Chris' voice is so smooth. ♥ Although, I'm not too fond of his new hair. D:
Sigh. Anyway, the reason I logged on today is because: a) F.T Island's 1 year anniversary is today (well, yesterday in Korea) and b) I really feel like blogging.


SJH is seriously addictive. I've been listening to their album non-stop since it leaked. I really like Pajama Party and Sunny. PLUS, Yeh is so cute in all the pictures. :3
Battle's new single is awesome. I love Step By Step & Luv U the most. I even have Step By Step as my ringtone. Chris' voice is so smooth. ♥ Although, I'm not too fond of his new hair. D:
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Oh my God...
I just found out that my friend was raped Saturday.
When Mom told me, I got so mad I nearly cried. I feel like punching the guy that did this to her.
Now, she's moving in with her grandparents, who live in a better neighborhood, quite a while away.
She wants me to call her, but I don't know if I can. I'm afraid I might say something wrong...
I just found out that my friend was raped Saturday.
When Mom told me, I got so mad I nearly cried. I feel like punching the guy that did this to her.
Now, she's moving in with her grandparents, who live in a better neighborhood, quite a while away.
She wants me to call her, but I don't know if I can. I'm afraid I might say something wrong...
Sunday, June 1, 2008
new layout for lj

changed my LJ layout, too. XD
Isn't Nakashima Mika pretty? *o*
I love the pic; very bright & colorful, especially compared to most of her other pictures.
I've been loving her a lot recently. Great voice, cool personality, and beautiful. What more could you want?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
♪: [ JOO - Keuge Sarangiya ]
A Chick-fil-a just opened (Thursday) near my house. Mom & I went today after getting a pedicure, and there was this lady giving away little stuffed cows.
(the pic is really blurry, I know. But my new good camera is in the shop getting fixed, so I had to use my old crappy camera.)
Isn't he cute? :)
I have Wonder Girl's Tell Me stuck in my head. I thought I had moved on from that song. D:
It's too addictive~
A Chick-fil-a just opened (Thursday) near my house. Mom & I went today after getting a pedicure, and there was this lady giving away little stuffed cows.

I have Wonder Girl's Tell Me stuck in my head. I thought I had moved on from that song. D:
It's too addictive~
Thursday, May 29, 2008
new layout

music&love <--- lame title, huh? 'cause I'm awesome like that. haha.
Sigh. I'm really sleepy for some reason, even though it's only almost 7pm. -fail-
ALSO~ new layout. like it? I love the color scheme. <3
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
♪: [ JYONGRI - Possession ]

New single release from both JYONGRI and melody. !
They both look so aknfdg;fkgjh pretty on the covers (especially melody.~)
Kissing Me is awesome. And I love the English version of Lullaby For You.
Haruka Hana ~Haruka~ is beautiful~ I love melody so much~ And, uh, I think the title translates to Far Off Flower ~Far Off~ ? Right ?
Anyways, it's an amazing song~ Melody's voice sounds so soothing in it.
I think it's my new lullaby now. XD

I waaaaant~
Aoi and Uruha look super hot.
The guitars are hot, too. lmao. Hmm~ I wonder how much this issue would cost ?
Probably more than I have at the moment. I'm almost completely broke. I was planning on getting a few things (including this magazine, and one more), but I guess it's not gonna happen. Plus, I still have to get DBSK's T album... D: I want too much, dammit.
New single release from both JYONGRI and melody. !
They both look so aknfdg;fkgjh pretty on the covers (especially melody.~)
Kissing Me is awesome. And I love the English version of Lullaby For You.
Haruka Hana ~Haruka~ is beautiful~ I love melody so much~ And, uh, I think the title translates to Far Off Flower ~Far Off~ ? Right ?
I waaaaant~
Aoi and Uruha look super hot.
The guitars are hot, too. lmao. Hmm~ I wonder how much this issue would cost ?
Probably more than I have at the moment. I'm almost completely broke. I was planning on getting a few things (including this magazine, and one more), but I guess it's not gonna happen. Plus, I still have to get DBSK's T album... D: I want too much, dammit.
Friday, January 25, 2008
blah blah blah
♪: [ DBSK- Lovin' You ]
My blood sugar is low, and I'm really dizzy.
so Mom gave me some orange juice to drink while she fixes me something to eat. It was really sour ! D: I don't like sour.
I slept really well last night. I usually don't, heh. But I was so comfortable, even if I did end up sleeping in the recliner chair.
I swear, I sleep in some of the weirdest positions.
One time, I woke up literally half-way off the couch ! wtf?

so Mom gave me some orange juice to drink while she fixes me something to eat. It was really sour ! D: I don't like sour.
I slept really well last night. I usually don't, heh. But I was so comfortable, even if I did end up sleeping in the recliner chair.
I swear, I sleep in some of the weirdest positions.
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